Invest in Banteay Meanchey


Banteay Meanchey province is an investment-friendly place located northwest of Cambodia. We are a province with a young workforce, an abundance of natural resources, and a good network of infrastructure, and we have much more to offer to your business and investment. We are here to support you in establishing and enhancing your trade and investment with our extensive data library. Observe the interactive web maps and download “Factsheet” to learn more about the various untapped potentials offered by Banteay Meanchey province.


Banteay Meanchey has a population of approximately 800.000 stretches in an area of about 6.679 square kilometers. Banteay Meanchey has a large youth population (37.4% aged 15 to 35), which presents a unique opportunity for untapped potential in manufacturing in the province.
Are you interested to know more about the province? The following interactive map provides rich data on the province’s demography, health infrastructure, and education. Click on the arrow on the upper right of the interactive map to see the legend. Download “Factsheet” to read more about the demography of the province.

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Democraphy and Literacy

demographic 1

Total Population

home 1




mars (1)


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No Data Found

Nr. School
Name of District
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No Data Found


Referral Hospitals

One referral in each district of Banteay Meanchey


Health Centres

There is, at least, one health centre in each commune

NR. Beds

Natural Resources

Agriculture plays a crucial role in Cambodia’s economy, and Banteay Meanchey is no exception. The province has a total land area of about 6.679 square kilometers. About 54.4% of the provincial area is under agriculture. 85% of the province’s population is engaged in farming, highlighting the significant untapped potential in agro-processing.

Are you interested to know more about the province? The following interactive map provides rich data on the province’s land cover, topography, and surface water. Click on the arrow on the upper right of the interactive map to see the legend. Download “Factsheet” to read more about natural resources in Banteay Meanchey province.

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Land Cover

No Data Found

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Topography & Water


Most Elevated area in the province, 250 meters above sea level, is located in Malai district.


The largest reservoir in the province is located in Phnum Srok district.


Banteay Meanchey offers a good infrastructure and road network across the province. With 655 km of road network and about 90 accommodations, Banteay Meanchey has abundant untapped potential to make the province a tourism hotspot in the northwest of Cambodia.
Are you interested to know more about the province? The following interactive map provides rich data on the road network, the electricity network, and information on transportation facilities in the province. Click on the arrow on the upper right of the interactive map to see the legend. Download “Factsheet” to expose and read about Banteay Meanchey province.

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Regional Connectivity

border 1

International Border Points

0 ‎ KM

From Bangkok

road-svgrepo-com (1)
0 ‎ KM

From Phnom Penh

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Road Network

No Data Found

NR. Kilomretres
Names of District
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Electricity Network

renewable-energy 1

Electricity Provider

energy 1
0  MW

Solar Farm

power-line 1

Village access to electricity