Invest in Banteay Meanchey

Investment Promotion Conference 2023

News October 17, 2023
Investment Promotion Conference 2023

Promoting sustainable economic & social development


Cambodia North-East provinces: Banteay Meanchey, Siem Reap, and Battambang’s key actors were invited to join the Invest Promotion Conference 2023 organised by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the Council for Development of Cambodia (CDC). The event was led by Improved Competitiveness of National Enterprises (ICONE) on 3rd Oct 2023 at Sokha Siem Reap Resort and Convention Centre.


Below are all the coverages of the event as well as video interviews of the key actors.


“Dr. Alavi Panah, a GIS and Remote Sensing Expert from the Banteay Meanchey Administration, highlighted the challenges of inadequate data sharing between governmental bodies and the private sector. He said it is crucial to have accurate data for investment decisions. The current lack of data sharing across sectors hampers this, Dr. Panah said. He argued that more companies should collaborate on data sharing to amplify investment opportunities.” – Quoted from AQUARII DB’s newletter Oct Issue


Cambodia Investment Review:

Investment Promotion Conference 2023 Tackles Challenges of Attracting Investment to Rural Cambodia



Investment Promotion Conference 2023 Tackles Challenges of Attracting Investment to Rural Cambodia

Promoting The Investment Potential Of Cambodia’s Northwestern Provinces