Invest in Banteay Meanchey

Business Profiles

Heng Somanea Wood Processing. A furniture workshop that helps the environment.

Heng Somanea Wood Processing was launched to promote locally produced furniture products by using rubber plants. The production line is conducted locally in the province. It, therefore, creates more job opportunities for Cambodian people, especially in the North Western province, which reduces the immigration rate to bordering countries.


The business also helps reduce deforestation since the wood used for production is rubber trees plants which are eco-friendly for furniture production.


Rubber plant wood: Sustainable source for furniture.

Their target customers are the locals and establishments such as hotels, restaurants, schools…etc. To fulfil the furniture demand and reduce environmental impact, they mainly utilize leftover rubber trees for wood.

Heng Somanea Wood Processing aim to be the solution for interior design, and prices are acceptable for all Cambodians. Their expansion plan is to expand from small production workshop to a factory scale. The company’s financial goal is to maintain a positive cash flow and a healthy profit margin throughout the expansion process. The company is seeking an investment funding in order to reach their goal in 2026.

Contact Information

Serei Soaphoan City, Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia

Mrs. HENG Somanea

(+855)70 77 54 66

The Home Furniture Cambodia

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